My name is Nino Coaz and I am a 21 year old amateur designer from Zuerich, Switzerland. I am fairly proficient with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier and know the extended basics of HTML, CSS and Javascript. In tandem with programming I am well versed with Sublime Text, Wordpress and Github. I have extensively used Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Further I plan on studying Game-Design in the near future.
- English: native
- German: native
- French: intermediate
- 2013-2015 Biology at ETH Zuerich
- 2009-2013 Freies Gymnasium Zuerich: bilingual (German/English) Kurzzeit Gymnasium; Natural Science profile with emphasis on biology/chemistry; Maturity paper: "Selektive Kommunikation"
Work experience
- June 2012 for one week: Assistant of a activation therapist in the nursing home Bombach
- May 2014 - August 2014: Technical assistant for multiple research projects in the professorship of prof. Jonathan Levine in the departement of environemental sciences of the ETH Zuerich
- April 2015 - July 2015: Case worker in the secretary's office of the Kreisschulpflege Limmattal.
- August 2015 - September 2015: Help filling webpages for Scholtysik&Partner